CHICKEN HOUSEAs this book was written by an author who was new to Chicken House, we discussed with the publisher how they could make an eye-catching book that would garner a lot of attention. After several discussions we decided that printed edges would give make this book stand out from the crowd.

As this was a relatively new process, we ran some proofs to ensure that the imagery was clear and vibrant on the edge of the book as well as in keeping with the design of the cover. It was clear to us that different paper stocks affected the appearance and in some instances the quality of the image. We then advised our customer which paper stock would produce the best result for their book.
This type of four colour edge printing is unique to CPI and using this innovative technique gave the book an added element that would stand out with the key targeted readership. This was only the second title this process had been completed on.
The author and client were delighted, the book really stood out and Waterstones promoted the title as their book of the month. As popularity of the book increased, we reprinted the original order of 15,000 copies 3 times. We have now printed 55,000 copies of this title which is comparatively exceptional for a children’s title from a new author.
A quote from the author on seeing the book for the first time in our factory:
“Thank you for an overwhelmingly, tear inducing moment of sheer joy!”