Manage your digital assets smarter
with CPI Unity
Optimising your digital assets is business critical. The ability to quickly,
easily and intuitively create, manage, share, and reuse content is key to
a publishers’ profitability and agility. CPI have created CPI Unity, a cloud
based content repository, delivering complete digital asset management
to the publishing industry.

Share, distribute and
print your content globally
Share you catalogued assets with colleagues and strategic partners globally, quickly and seamlessly. Either push or allowpermission to pull files and content required ‘on-demand’. Link from the catalogue into CPI's workflow to print in any CPI location.
Go further still and link in to CPI’s GPS print network and workflow, allowing you to print and distribute your assets globally.
Radically reducing distribution costs, and helping you achieve
your environmental sustainability goals by printing close to your end customer.

Simple and sophisticated file management
Find, organise and enrich all of your media files in one location, using standardised naming conventions for simple, and quick access for either usage or amends. Apply permissions for specific assets for chosen colleagues, and enjoy full visibility and tracking of asset usage.
CPI Unity has the most up to date technology stack on the market today. It’s infinitely scalable and its REST and Webhooks APIs enable multiple integration scenarios. Giving publishers complete support and consultation as part of their own digital transformation programme.