The CPI Group (UK) Ltd is fully committed to continual improvement on the environmental impact of its business activities. CPI’s environmental policy confirms our pledge to ensure all our employees, suppliers and customers are aware of their role in supporting CPI to achieve our sustainability objectives. Our environmental objectives focus on ensuring our business remains at the forefront of the printing industry for using sustainable materials and energy for all activities.


CPI has a Quality Management system at all sites and is certified under ISO9001.  This is a quality management system that covers all areas of our business including:

  • Quality
  • Facilities
  • People
  • Training
  • Services
  • Equipment
  • Suppliers
ISO 9001

FSC® Certified

This means that we fully comply with the chain of custody requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® ). The FSC ensures that there is a transparent chain of custody from the forest, through the paper manufacturing cycle to the final printed product. This guarantees that the raw material used is from a responsibly managed source.

CPi Group (UK) LtdFSC® -C013604

CRC/CCA committed

We have signed up to the government’s CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and the Climate Change Agreement (CCA) and continue to meet all targets in relation to both of these schemes which aim to reduce our CO2 emissions.

ISO14001 Certified

This is an internationally recognised environmental quality standard requiring us to manage our supply chain, operations and waste streams in a responsible manner, minimising our impact on the environment and constantly improving our processes.

ISO 14001

Sedex member

Sedex is a global organisation that scrutinises the conditions under which people work both in our own organisation and our supply chain. It ensures that social and employee welfare standards are maintained and promoted, the working environment is safe and individuals are not subject to unacceptable working practices.

Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations

Our commitment to the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations results in a year-on-year reduction of all packaging waste. Furthermore, 90% of all our waste is recycled, reducing what is sent to landfill.

Pioneering Sustainability:
the Fully Electric Artic Lorry

Not only does it symbolise our commitment to sustainable transportation solutions, but it also demonstrates our readiness to embrace innovation in pursuit of a greener future.

IPG Podcast about EUDR

The EU Deforestation Regulation comes into force at the end of 2024 and has some important implications for UK publishers operating in Europe. CPI's director of environment and sustainability Lisa Faratro joins the Podcast to introduce the EUDR, explain what publishers will need to do to comply with it, and share some useful resources for support.

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